Place to Ponder

A place to sort, think, create and connect.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Family and Educational Ideas


I have planned start a blog for a while now. One reason, I think, for me to start a blog is to try how a blog works. The other reason is to use this forum to sort thoughts. 
I have become a "collector of tweets" that interest me in the area of educational change, using other people's ideas and wishing I had said it first as sometimes I had already thought in a similar way. 
Intertwined with my ideas and the implementation steps I have taken on the continuum of educational change in my career, are my learnings from my family and my experiences with them. Both of these very large areas can take a great deal of pondering, and are inexplicably connected. 
So, this blog will be a place for me to sort; to bring clarity to pondering. 
For me, change has been held off, somewhat, by a clear image in my mind of how things should look. I have spent a great deal of think time on how that image became so stuck there. Much energy has been spent in my life trying to reach that image. 
Over the last number of years, (is it age; experience?) things have shifted for me. Or I have learned. It is not the image as the goal at all, but the process along the way that matters. 
As a naive, idealistic 22 year old, newly married and beginning a teaching career, my partner and I decided to adopt. Simply, there were children who were in need of a good, loving home. In my mind at that time, there was no discussion needed about nature or nurture; an excellent environment provided for a child would result in optimum growth and potential.
There is a long story (or many chapters of many stories) here, that will be inserted at another time. The result was, though, we adopted, over a period of 12 years, six children. Learning was central to this time in my life. Right along with surviving. The love was the foundation. 
In my mid 30's, I lost the debate with myself. Nature won. 

It had become clear that my six children were their own idividual selves and there was a lot of individuality happening every day.